This course is intended for legal counsel to acquire Revenera certification for third-party software use within internal applications, for M&A and other due diligence efforts, and in product development and distribution.

Why should you get certified?

According to a Revenera audit services study, 81 percent of codebases today are made up of open source software (OSS). When analyzing the data from hundreds of audit projects, companies initially only disclosed—or were aware of—6% of the actual number of issues eventually discovered. Today more than ever, with the volume of OSS use on the rise and the intense oversight of security and compliance related to increased regulatory practices—U.S. Cybersecurity Executive Order, for example -- companies need legal assistance to guide policy, establish remediation best practices, and avoid violations that potentially lead to costly legal proceedings.

Revenera's Software Composition Analysis (SCA) solutions help companies analyze their code, identify open source use, recognize issues, and apply remediation steps to fix problems. Revenera works with lawyers to go from the unknown to known surrounding third-party software.

Who can apply for certification and what will you learn?

Legal certification from Revenera is free to approved members of the legal community, including IP attorneys, M&A lawyers, and in-house legal counsel. Upon completion you will gain practical knowledge and learn more about what every lawyer should know:

  • What third-party software is and the legal obligations to support proper use and dissemination of products containing open source components
  • The importance of following legal and compliance regulations pertaining to OSS licensing
  • Vulnerabilities that may be present and the basics of vulnerability remediation
  • What happens during an M&A engagement, the types of audits Revenera supports, and the role of legal counsel
  • Audit report and findings
  • A Revenera SCA and audit services overview to learn how Revenera analyzes code

To obtain certification, you are required to complete a short quiz following the presentation and submit results for validation.

For attendees from legal firms, you may have your name and firm added to our list of Revenera Certified Legal Professionals on our website.


This course is provided free of charge to applicants approved to complete the course.