Brought to you in partnership with Automotive World

Whether it's in-vehicle infotainment (IVI), autonomous drive technology, the connected car or services and support, open source is playing a broad and deep role in the evolution and innovation of automotive technology and services.

This isn't necessarily a new premise. Open source has long played a part in the embedded technologies embraced by automakers and their suppliers. Today, however, use is growing exponentially and more broadly in applications such as Tesla's IVI and dashboard units, and being explored in such technologies as automotive blockchain.

The auto industry is moving away from simply designing and assembling parts to providing an application delivery platform for complex consumer services. Open source is the foundation and enabler of many of these changes.

In this 60-minute webinar, Jeff Luszcz, Vice President of Product Management at Revenera, and Andrew Aitken, GM & Global Open Source Practice Leader, Wipro Limited, discuss the broader state of the open source ecosystem, and in particular how it impacts the automotive industry.

Other topics of discussion include:

You will learn:

  • state of the open source ecosystem
  • an analysis of the core drivers behind open source's value creation
  • how open source is a strategic asset
  • the elements of an open source strategy
  • challenges and opportunities presented through open source use, and what an 'open' future looks like
This webinar was originally shown in October.

Andrew Aitken
GM & Global Open Source Practice Leader
Wipro Limited

Jeff Luszcz
VP of Product Management

Open Source Central: How Open Source is Driving the Auto Industry Forward